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Wang Tiles


edge and corner matched tilesets


1-side Corner Tiles

1-side corner tiles are derived from Wang corner tilesets, by reducing the number of different corners to one. In a corner tileset, a corner path affects three adjacent tiles. They are similar to Block tiles, but have a design of maze paths. Like Block tiles, they always match adjacent tiles, without the need for Wang tile calculations.

Here is a complete 2-corner Wang tileset.

Complete 2-corner tileset
tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

By adding unconnected dead-end paths to all empty corners with no path, we create a set of 1-side tiles where all sides are the same.

1-side corner tileset
tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Tile-15 Variations

And here are a few tile-15 variations, which are always single sided.

Tile-15 corner variations
tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile tile
a b c d e f g h i

Stage Array

We can place random tiles in an 18 x 12 array. There is no need to calculate tile index values as all tiles have the same side, and will therefore match automatically.

Stage: 1-side Corner Tiles

1-side Corner Tiles

Reduced Tilesets

It is interesting to see the effect of using a small number of 1-side tiles.
Note that paths on corner tiles can either join or cross-over at tile corners. The two types of tile design lead to different tilesets to create a balanced maze.

tile tile tile tile
f k pa pb
Iif we use a similar tileset to the above but swop edge for corner tiles, a weaving corner maze can be made. See Wang 2-corner tiles.
Random tiling of 4 tiles
tile tile tile tile tile tile
tile tile tile tile tile tile
tile tile tile tile tile tile
tile tile tile tile tile tile

See Stage for more random Block tile arrays of 2 and 4 tilesets.

Stage: Random 1-side Braid Tiles

Braid Tiles
